3D tiles of city

A brand refresh and an optimized website targeting Unacast's core audiences.

The Client

Unacast is the leading location data company for companies around the world with aggregate data in over 80 countries. They use location data to help clients make smarter business decisions and build better products.

As Unacast has grown—they’re one of the fastest growing companies in the United States—their messaging has evolved. Our goal was to create a new website that would not only carry forth new messaging, but be better tailored towards their core audiences.


With a commitment to better understanding human behavior through global mobility and using those insights to help organizations do good in the world, refreshing Unacast’s brand started with human connections and a global scale.
3D Inspiration
Inspiration 3D collection
Inspiration Dashboards collection
Inspiration Maps collection
Inspiration Colors collection

Brand Attributes

We went back to first principles: brand values, audience, and key questions: what they do, how they do it, and why they do it. We also looked at their brand pillars: easiest to work with, most trusted, and with unique vertical and international reach. Together, these brand attributes informed the direction we would take the brand.

Brand attribute -  "Mission: Using location data for good"
Brand attribute -  "Vision: Unacast is committed to understanding how people move around on the planet by harnessing the power of location data. We're building a future where precise and verified human mobility data helps organizations do well and do good. From driving business strategies to tracking infectious diseases, we align to the goals of our clients for the shared benefit of our global community."
Brand attribute -  "Accurate: Dedicated to rigorous methodology focused on accuracy over volume to provide clients with the trustworthy products and insights they need"
Brand attribute - "Global: We're committed to providing data for countries across the world to support global companies in understanding mobility patterns both within and outside of the U.S.
Brand attribute - trusted
We went through a complete rebrand with Ashandelle, and their team really helped bring our brand and data products to life. They’ve been an amazing creative partner, making our updated brand sparkle with detail and relevance for our customers.
Katie Pugh
Katie Pugh
VP of Marketing

Now do it with style

Using the hexagon from the Unacast logo, we developed a 3D cityscape tile system that created a physical representation of their digital services. The visuals were designed to represent location data in a way that would cognitively be more immediately recognizable by their audiences while also visually setting them apart from their competition.

Text label - "colors"
Unacast colors illustration
Text label - "typography"
Text listing out US cities in Brother 1816 font
Text listing out US cities in Brother 1816 font
Text saying placeholder words in brother 1816 font
brother.1816 font

Location, location, location

Conversion, conversion, conversion

We take a ranked approach to conversion actions: what’s the primary action the user could take? What is the secondary action? Tertiary? And we build pages and sites around those conversion strategies.

3X Conversion Increase

2021 0.55% Conversion
2023 1.59% Conversion

Homepage Conversion Rate

2021 2.99% conversion
2023 7.9% conversion

Unacast home page layout

Finding the right location can make or break a business.

It’s the nature of the product that, when people arrive on the Unacast website, they’re seeking out location data. The challenge then is to convince them to try Unacast’s data. We could tell them all about it but the simplest way to convince people is to let them see and play with data.

3D illustration of US map3D illustration of globe
3D illustration of city tile3D illustration of the city

Building a fresh site.

Because the inherited site had been plagued by display bugs from the various iterations and fragile, overlapping CSS that had built up over years, we created a fresh build. The new site would not only eliminate the technical debt of the old one, it wouldn’t be buggy, and it would be better optimized for both speed and SEO.
Overview Compilation of Mobile Mockups
Forecasting Data half page screenshot

Solutions Pages

Zooming in from the wider cityscape, solutions pages kept a broader multi-hex view and focused on broad strokes applications of mobility data as well as interactive tools the help communicate the Unacast difference.

Forecasting Data half page screenshot
Solutions Mobile Mockups
Austin, TX
Discover Dashboard
Austin, TX
Benchmark Dashboard
Austin, TX
Identify Dashboard
Austin, TX
Analyze Dashboard
Austin, TX
Understand Dashboard
Austin, TX
Find Dashboard

Product Pages

Laser focused on specific elements of Unacast solutions, the product pages were the “street-level” view showing specific datasets and methodologies. As an added bonus, these pages were developed with data scientists in mind and often employed a “dark mode” design.

Trade Areas
Customer Profile
Trade Areas
Our Data Product page layout
Insurance page layout

Industry Pages

Industry pages fall somewhere between the broad solutions and specific products and as such are represented by a single hex tile in the visual language and feature interactive features to better communicate how Unacast can help that specific industry.

Insurance page layout
Industry Page Mobile Mockups

Utility Pages

It seems pages like About Us or Additional Resources often see the least design love when sites are built. We took these pages as an opportunity to build richness in the brand elements and continue making visual connections to Unacast’s deep content.

Pricing page layout
Brand Performance page layout
Brand Performance page layout
Resources Mobile Mockups
Mobile Mockup
Unacast History section
About Unacast page

Next Steps

Of course, launching the website was only the beginning. It’s the baseline from which we’re able to collaboratively work with the Unacast team to test assumptions and refine messaging through A/B and multivariate testing. We’ve also been expanding their SEO footprint, marrying research, strategy, copywriting, and design to target specific keyword traffic, resulting in an [x] traffic lift and [top three ranking] in Google for several valuable keywords.

Next steps 3D illustration

Next Case Study

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branding icon

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More Unacast Work

We are the in-house creative team for the startups we work with. That means that the big projects—the branding and the websites—are just the beginning.