Innovative. Magical. Awe-inspiring. Ashandelle helps Narratize shape their brand.

The Client

Narratize, founded in 2022, is a full-stack AI storytelling platform used by entrepreneurs and enterprises to accelerate time-to-market for their boldest ideas. By leveraging proven story patterns used throughout human history and the power of large language models (LLMs) and generative AI, Narratize breaks down scientific, technical, and medical insights and data into engaging content.

Their platform is designed to benefit every discipline of the modern enterprise — from product to marketing, R&D to sales — by delivering high-quality and accurate long-form content from scratch which is easily transformed into multiple deliverables for different audiences at the push of a button.

Brand Attributes

Narratize’s solution is a blend of traditional storytelling and cutting-edge technology. This “classic writing meets digital” concept became our mantra as we evolved Narratize’s brand identity through visual design language, typography, colors, animations and more.

Image of Text: Innovative
Image of Text: Awe-inspiring
Image of Text: magical

Innovative. Magical. Awe-inspiring. These attributes were identified by Narratize as core principles during our brand sprint with them and were always top-of-mind as we explored bringing their brand to life.

Classical meets magical

To create the Narratize brand, we combined classical text elements like serifs and text cursors with “magical” elements like guiding stars, constellations, glows, and gradients to create a bold style that acknowledges the past while guiding customers firmly into the future.

Classical meets magical

To create the Narratize brand, we combined classical text elements like serifs and text cursors with “magical” elements like guiding stars, constellations, glows, and gradients to create a bold style that acknowledges the past while guiding customers firmly into the future.

Classical meets magical

To create the Narratize brand, we combined classical text elements like serifs and text cursors with “magical” elements like guiding stars, constellations, glows, and gradients to create a bold style that acknowledges the past while guiding customers firmly into the future.

Putting their logo to work

Taking a cue from art deco’s use of repeating arches, we created a similar pattern with the lowercase “n” from the Narratize logo.

Extrapolated out, this arching pattern became a modified grid system that not only guided layouts, but the shape of individual elements, data graphs, and more.

Bringing it all Together

Building Narratize’s site (on the Webflow platform), we brought these elements together to create a magical and effective channel for them to connect with their audience.


Again, building on the idea of contrasting themes, we anchored Narratize’s color palette with a classic navy blue. By pairing that blue with modern, vibrant shades of pink, teal, and yellow we created a bold, at times playful, spectrum that reinforces Narratize’s range and the creativity of their offering.

Contrasting Typography

Continuing the idea of “classical writing meets digital,” we paired a classic serif font, Garamond (influenced by a punchcutter typeface from the 1400s!) with a modern, geometric sans-serif typeface, Montserrat. Not only do these contrasting styles complement each other incredibly well when used appropriately, it’s a subtle way to reinforce Narratize’s identity.

Image of Text: MontserratImage of Text: Primary Heading
Image of Text: H1 HeadlineImage of Text: Semibold 80/80
Image of Text: MontserratImage of Text: Secondary Heading
Image of Text: H2 HeadlineImage of Text: Extrabold 64/64
Image of Text: MontserratImage of Text: Medium Heading
Image of Text: H3 HeadlineImage of Text: Extrabold 40/48
Image of Text: MontserratImage of Text: Small Heading
Image of Text: H4 HeadlineImage of Text: Extrabold 24/32
Image of Text: GaramondImage of Text: Eyebrow Heading
Image of Text: Subhead/ScriptImage of Text: Extrabold 24/32
Image of Text: MontserratImage of Text: Body Text
Image of Text: ParagraphImage of Text: Semibold 18/32


From the color contrasts to the type ruler and tab hover state, the “classical writing meets digital” jumps out from the very first element visitors are likely to see.

Hover States

Magic is persistent throughout the site as button hover states glow as a user moves through the page.

resource center page layout
Image of Text: Blog
Image of Text: Why AI Must Support ExpertsGenerative AI is the newest technology to hit the market, and it's revolutionizing the way we create content.
Image of Text: Start now and get your first story in minutes
Image of Text: Try For Free
Picture of text saying: "Learn More" Image of Text: Visit our Resource CenterImage of Text: Visit our Resource Center
Image of Text: Subscribe to our NewsletterImage of Text: Subscribe to our Newsletter
Image of Text: Contact SalesImage of Text: Contact Sales

Stars & Animations

From images to even the lowly FAQ, stars and constellations appear throughout a user’s journey across the site.

Combined with animation they help demonstrate not only who Narratize is, but what they have to offer enterprises.

plus/close icon
Pattern animation
plus/close icon
Profile image animation
plus/close icon
Constellation animation
Ashandelle is a remarkable team of professionals with creative edge, flawless execution, and project management suave. They truly go above and beyond to achieve outstanding results.
Kathryn Taylor
Kathryn Taylor

Putting it all together

page layoutpage layout
page layoutpage layout

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